Activities Worth Making Time for No Matter How Busy You Are

Avery Phillips
Smarter Time
Published in
4 min readMay 30, 2019


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Life can be a whirlwind at times. Whether you have a demanding job that is taking up more than the 40 hours a week it should be, or the different branches of your family all have a lot going on, it can become easy to stop making time for the things that bring joy to your life. However, even during times when your days get so hectic that you forget to drink water, it helps to take a step back and remember the things that make each day worthwhile.

Sometimes, setting time apart for even basic activities can make your life much easier in the long run by preparing you for what may come down the road. Still, whether you’re making time for leisure, or simply putting the time into chores that will bog you down when neglected, there are some activities worth making time for no matter how busy you are.


Gardening has a large range of benefits that stem beyond reaping what you sow. If you’re someone who takes time to plant flowers or crops in your garden, it’s important to make time for them each day if you want to see them bloom and grow. Gardens are full of life, and ignoring them, even for a few days, can have unforgiving consequences for seedlings and full grown plants alike. Once you start a garden, you should always take the time to water it and give it what it needs to live and flourish.

However, even if the flowers and produce your small garden project isn’t what’s most important to you, sitting by a garden and feeling dirt on your hands can be a humbling experience. We forget sometimes that we’re all living off of the land that we walk on each day, and taking the time to try to grow something from the soil can give us time to be mindful of our existence.

When we get too caught up and busy with our days, it can be easy to forget the importance of simply being present and giving ourselves a moment to reflect on life. Forgetting to do so can make us forget a lot of aspects of ourselves and our relationships that require attention to thrive. However, sitting down in a garden can remind us of the simplicity of life, which can have a positive effect on our mental health. Even if you’re really busy, being mindful and aware of yourself can help decrease anxiety and make you more productive overall.


Mindfulness and meditation are an important part of life, but you should also always make time for the activities that will save you headaches in the future. For a lot of people, this can mean working out a budget and taking steps to stick to it; which requires a lot of forethought. This takes extra time and work out of your day, which can feel like the last thing you want to do when you have other boring, work-related responsibilities in your life.

However, budgeting contributes to the overall happiness of many people. Financial stress is often difficult to ignore, especially if you’re trying to work towards life goals like buying a home, a car, or simply being ready to retire. But even if you’re not saving towards something, budgeting can help prepare you for the unexpected moments in life, such as a broken down car, or a medical emergency. Being prepared for these unfortunate events can save you from weeks, months, or even years of financial stress.

Home Maintenance

Similar to keeping a budget, the need for home maintenance work will creep it’s way upon you. Each year, there are steps you must take to ensure your home is in tip-top shape, including changing the filters for heating and air conditioning around your home as well as making sure your water heater is functioning properly. This can help keep the air in your home clean and free of excess dust, which is especially important if you have asthma or other breathing related issues.

Once you make sure your home is up to date on its annual maintenance, you can live worry-free, rather than always feeling like you have responsibilities pending in your home. This is also a good time to check in on the seasonal changes you make to prepare your home for both summer and winter. During these times of year, people often change their curtains to accommodate the cold or heat and help reduce their spending throughout the year.

There’s so much going on in life that it can be difficult to know what the right things are to make time for. When people aren’t worrying about strict work-related obligations, they usually spend time with their families, which is a good priority to have. However, after that, it’s easy to be unsure of what else requires your time most.

Preparing for the future through budgeting and home maintenance is an investment that will save you time and trouble in the future. Being mindful each day is a mental investment that will make you happier and more productive throughout your days. Ultimately, you get to decide what you spend your time doing, which can be a liberating feeling. Still, it’s important to make time for activities that will make you a happier person with fewer worries throughout your life.

