10 time-management quotes to keep you motivated

Smarter Time
Published in
2 min readMar 29, 2017


We all have days when we feel on top of the world, and days when we have trouble getting anything done. When the going gets tough, it’s time to look to new ideas that will propel us forward. Here are some of the quotes that we, at Smarter Time, like to read through when our motivation starts lagging.

1. Take things one at a time

2. Make time to step back and reassess

3. Leave your self-doubt at the door

4. Don’t rely on others to find your motivation

5. Always see the glass as half-full

6. Don’t wait around aimlessly

7. But learn to find time for what matters to you

8. Organise your day in a way that truly suits you

9. Track your time

10. And don’t forget…

